Catchy melodies (catchy.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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---------------------- Catchy melodies --------------------- Composed & Tracked By TTrial +----23.12.1998----+ This is my FIRST trax! All instruments are from my keyboards Casio CTK-330 You can freely use them if I get some credits.... Please send some feedback to: Esko Tolvanen Liperi/Finland
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Suprisingly good for someone's first track, a fast paced song with plenty going on, and it changes enough to keep it good. A very good song in general, its got a drumbeat background and quick keyboard beat foreground. A well-made song, the guy says it's his first one so I bet he has a bright future. the only thing that wasn't perfect was a twang soung that kept showing up and eventually got annoying, otherwise near perfect.