Deformed Thing eXperiment (d-t-x_x.s3m)
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Octave.Cat.Pussy.Strings VFX/1.System.100M M1/1.Yebo.Bass SY55/2.S&D.Bass VFX/1.Syn.Pluck T-1.Self.Destruct ripped.tekno bd from ??? ripped.halldrum from skav Crash Cymbal DRILL1.WAV DRILL2A.WAV DRILLER1.WAV DSSNTPL.WAV FAN1.WAV KLAXON1.WAV KLAXON2.WAV RAILGUN.WAV SHELLS.WAD quakeguit1 quakeguit2 sdrum_hard bdrum_hard hihat1 hihat3 bassix voicebell squarewave synthbass --==DeFoRmEd==-- --==ThInG==-- --==ExPeRiMeNt==-- --==BY: Xaser==-- This is sort of a remix- type thingy of a song from Descent 2. I kind of split off and did my own thing at the ending, though. Also, the name is made by me (because the original didn't really have a name), so therefor it's not very good. :P Anyway, I hope you like this tune all the same.:P -Xaser '04
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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