Well of the Souls (daed_wos.it)
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Well Of The Souls Written By: Daedalus -Brian C. Bennetts Copyright (C) 1999 GammaWave Music www.bennettsweb.com/music brian_bennettsweb.com More Music For Film... ...Without The Film
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This is quite a strange little piece. Quite repetitive, although a good sound is created. The artist describes this as "more music for the movie... without the movie"; although this is nice music to have sitting in the background while something else is going on, it's not the sort of piece that makes you jump out of your seat in excitement. Musically it's created quite well - I'm sure the artist could write some great stuff - but there just isn't any substance to the music that makes you sit up and listen. Technically, this is well created, with a full, mellow sound staying throughout the piece. The artist shows a lot of skill in his tracking here, but very little inspiration, as the piece stays rather low-key. Good music for sitting behind something else, but quite dull on it's own.