The Daily Click! (
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Yair Charutz is proudly presents: The real original Daily Click Theme! No! I didn't steal at all from Nobuyuki! It was originally my'n! (Hehehe... Basically It's Noboyuki who rip my song and change the instruments without even asking ME! That bastard... Well, I'll forgive him, His retarded...) Sue you!!! Sue you!!! May you burn in hell!!! Gotcha! Lol_!!!! (Suckah!!!) This is the original tune! All others are fake! Exclude them! I'm not afraid! I'm not a maniac! Dare to Blacklist ME!!! Whoo, I'm not scared at all! God protects me! It's Justice! I gived to the poor! Hehehehe! We'll see you!!! I'm not afraid... I'm talented More than this Aidhole nobuyuki Who ripped my original tune for the Daily Click and called it "The Click Cafe"! LOL!!! Hehehehe... Nobuyuki! That song ripper! You'll be sorry for messing with me!!! Beside, That cheater also Ripped music from Sonic the Hedgehog CD and called it "Nobuyuki in Space"! How unoriginal of you Nobusucker!!!... Hehehehehe! Didn't you know that one day you will get payback for the songs you ripped? Smart aleck, Sega didn't knew, But I do! Youg Got yor revange for ripping Sonic CD! How does it makes you feel? Ripping game tunes without mentioning the real artist! Hu?! Shame on you...! LOL!!! B.T.W... Private & Original property! Keep out from commercial use! Don't sell it without my written permission! >=) <--Administration Taunt End!--> Forgive ME God! How rude I could LOL fucking be?
The Daily Click That was mant to be a joke But actually turned up nea -------- Advertise Playtrip!
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