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The Good StuffSummary
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When Christmas Came ------------------- As the snowflakes slowly make their trip down to the already snow-covered streets which are all lighten up by the yearly decorations and the street-lights, only a few thoughts are directed to those living out of the range of those lights and the warmth radiating from every home. momofranZ, 24/05/01.
When Christmas Came made by momofranZ greetz to: momocata, momopolle, momobjörn and all the others... email: momofranz_notme.com New instrument Choir Aah ac.guitar.patch Channels: 8 Fantasia
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after much listening I still like the song but I am retracting my earlier rating of due to the fact that I did listen for and find some flaws on how the music comes to gether but the song has a sadness about it however it is the artists expression. The flaws are more technical that musical I like the acousitic guitar as a bassline and/or background but the channel switching is very choppy. Music for pattern sequence to sequence should blend together as if they were flowing one to another, not just to switch abruptly