song of the damned (
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A shame the artist didn't leave any info on this upbeat and kinda catchy tune, even though it does sound a tad familiar... The song starts off in a soft drum n' bass, then the background and lead melodies kick in. What was most interesting to listen to was that nothing feels the same in this song save for the familiar jazzy lead, which is played in two sessions. Though it needs to be pointed out the track is rather short, just over two minutes, and the major issue I'm having with this track is when the lead hits those high notes it gets rather uncomfortable to the ears, but that's it. Great tune. Looking over the effects and technical structure of the song left me wide-eyed. The artist definitely knew his/her stuff and it showed with what he/she used here, mostly portamentos, note cuts, and midi macro fx. Actually those effects made up most of the background instruments, that's it, the rest was based on the samples and note structures.
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This tune is brief, catchy, and worth keeping around! It is definitely among the best here at the ModArchive.