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Armadaaar (dark.s3m)

Info Summary

  • dark.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 502.54KB in size and has been downloaded 2332 times since Tue 13th Jun 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 36098
  • Downloads: 2332
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: dd6ca0ed52f49779cce62cddb0727e0a
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 502.54KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Ambient

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Tue 30th Jan 2001, rated 6 / 10.

This piece is not music so much as it is a "rhythmic ambient sound-scape" of a dark and mysterious, maybe even ominous flavor. One way to get a feel for what I am trying to say is: imagine a cool videogame with cool "soundtrack." The "soundtrack" is usually a blend of sound effects and traditional "voices" in a rhythmic scheme that produces a very definite ambiance. However, it can not truly be called "music" as it does not contain all the major components of music, such as harmonic movement, true tonal center, melodic line, et cetera. However, for what the piece is, it is a shining example. It had an exquisite darkness and filled the soundspace without occupying the "foreground" of your mind. It would make perfect scary interactive-movie game music (such as Sony PlayStation's Resident Evil). The ending however, was a bit abrupt. It just sort ends on a downbeat. It would have been better to fade, or maybe have a slight build to a sustained last hit. Good rhythmic sense, and delicious usage of dissonance. The samples were perfectly suited to this piece and were of good quality. The samples were well tuned. Volume levels were appropriate and the use of ambient noise was creative and cool. Voices were distributed over left and right channels in a fairly balanced manner, and there was little bit of voice isolation to one channel or the other, but I feel like since this was a sound-scape type of piece, it would have added to the overall effect to do more than a little panning/channel placement type of effects. Those types of spatial effects go hand in hand with this genre of creation.

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Info Internal Texts *

By Alex Parker
(c) 2000


A sort of dark conquering
tune...  some evil under-
lords music?

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
