Relinquish (darkclub.s3m)
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This is just a song I cranked out on a stormy evening... I hope you'll enjoy this first mod If you have any suggestions, just mail me _ Fury, (Tim Kok) ©2003
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The track opened well, and very unique compared to what I've heard before. It starts right into the beat where the bass breaks into an extremely dynamic yet repetitive melody that unfortunately doesn't fit too well in places where the rest of the track's notes demand it to, and since that bass line repeats itself throughout the length of the track (with all the tracks I've reviewed, I guess something has to), it gets old quick. Another issue would be the use of a cheap sounding electric guitar-ish sample used in order to add some extra spice to the tune, which failed when it portamento-ed to a rather hard-on-the-ears high note. However, one highlight of the song would be the background samples which create a quite pleasant ambient effect and delivers a calming mood to the whole thing, with the bass being its contrast... kinda interesting how the artist put the whole thing together and managed to loop it. Not bad for a first mod, quite original. As for the song structure much cut and paste was used, and as far as I can tell, there are some effects lurking in a couple patterns that probably don't need to even be there. A few volume changes were used mainly for the repetitive percussion and main bass line. The offsets used for the ambient samples were quite effective though. Speaking of which the samples used were great except for a poor quality synth sample. Overall the song was kept very simple. Not too good, but not too bad either.