Darkest Travel (darkesttravel.xm)
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Darkest Travel (BY MFC42) Well here it is. My song finally finished. Thanks to the people who tested it for me and told me it was worth uploading! Anyway it was ALL made by me... no pattern ripping or anything! Thanks to: - Seko for the crash (instrument 20) - Elwood for the sfx (instrument 18) Contact me at mfc_programmer_hotmail.com MSN: modtracker_music.com (or above ^ ) ICQ: 44516141 E-mail me and tell me what you think......... enjoy the song anyway. Thanks again seko and elwood u guys rule! Simon - Australia, 2001
TRACKED BY MFC42 Version: 1.00
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I rate this tune as a good tune, it has melody and such, but what I didnt like of this song was that it was a bit repetitive in some parts, there also should have been some lead, or a leading instrument to take the melody of the song better. The samples of this song were excellent and combined in a good way with the song but the volume was missing a bit of tuning together with the melody to perform an equalized type of song without high and low volumes.