Trancaciduction (bel_trance.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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On Air presents a Belzoth Studios Production ---Transaciduction--- Greets to all On Air + all who listens to my music!! Special greets to: Baney Zlick -Some how , in all of this I fell in love whith U- "The cuting edge" 25/8 - 31/8 -98 F1.WAV Open Hihat
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This song is, at once, complex and understated. It is also highly atmospheric-- I felt like I was being taken somewhere. Exactly where, I don't know. Someplace fascinating and mysterious, I suppose. The drums are rather weak in places, but the strings are fantastic and the overall composition is as well. Very interesting choices where instrumentation is concerned. All of the samples are good or better. As I mentioned above, the strings are great. On the downside, there are a few too many drum roll swells -- one is really enough for any song.