Evil Darkness (darkness.it)
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Strings 1 Chris Jarvis Halo ? Bass Burkey Pulse TSEC Tom Chris Jarvis Short Snare Lost Carrier Shaker Lost Carrier clap ? Closed Hat ? Lead Guitar Chris Jarvis Twang Cactus Pizzicato CyberZip DARKNESS.MID Strings 1 Chris Jarvis Halo ? Bass Burkey Pulse TSEC Tom Chris Jarvis Short Snare Lost Carrier Shaker Lost Carrier clap ? Closed Hat ? Lead Guitar Chris Jarvis Twang Cactus Pizzicato CyberZip Evil Darkness ------------- By Rmaskell ----------- 4:20 ---- This is a mod version of a midi I wrote about this time last year Although the original was written for Pipe Organ, and didn't have any rhythm. I've included it here: DARKNESS ------------------------- HELLO TO: AlexS Flash Burkey CosmicHand ------------------------- rmaskell_ndirect.co.uk ---------------------- http://come.to/rmaskell -----------------------
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Ever plaid WarCraft 2? Its sounds a bit like those, it has a powerfull beat and well tracked chords. Still, the strings are a bit to loud and the solo is a bit grey. Its a well made song, but it lacks the touch of professionality. Not many effects used, hardly any in fact. The strings could use some fade ins and outs, and the solo some vibrato or tremolo or echo or something...