Extreme Chase (chase_x.it)
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TP.CHUG2.WAV.L TP.CHUG2.WAV.R TP.CHUG.WAV.L TP.CHUG.WAV.R TP.CHUGA5TH.WAV.L TP.CHUGA5TH.WAV.R TP.CHUGS.WAV.L TP.CHUGS.WAV.R TP.HINOTE.WAV.L TP.HINOTE.WAV.R TP.LO5TH.WAV.L TP.LO5TH.WAV.R TP.LOCHUGS.WAV.L TP.LOCHUGS.WAV.R TP.LONOTE.WAV.L TP.LONOTE.WAV.R TP.MED5TH.WAV.L TP.MED5TH.WAV.R TP.MEDCHUGS.WAV.L TP.MEDCHUGS.WAV.R TP.MEDNOTE.WAV.L TP.MEDNOTE.WAV.R TP.MEDNOTE2.WAV.L TP.MEDNOTE2.WAV.R Recrdstp.wav 909 BD9 DrumLoop.Bre DrumLoop.Jun DrumLoop.((TAM)) ChipBassGuitar Ghosty.WAV.L Ghosty.WAV.R FlangeMinor FlangeMajor Guitar 1 Rhythm Guitar 2 Rhythm Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 Marshall JMP-1 X-Treme Chase By: Xaser --> Yeah! This Rocks! <-- Heh. It's a bit short, but it loops rather nicely. Samps from Skaven and various others. Some guitar samples by Teque and Nitro. Other guitar stuff from Axeslash. Yay! (insert something here) Enjoy and stuff! -Xaser '04 ~CTW2B56.WAV ~CTW0209.WAV ~CTW0E56.WAV ~CTW3507.WAV ~CTW251B.WAV ~CTW1706.WAV ~CTW0037.WAV ~CTW0F16.WAV ~CTW3229.WAV ~CTW3953.WAV ~CTW2A29.WAV ~CTW1747.WAV ~CTW1A47.WAV ~CTW081A.WAV ~CTW3B16.WAV ~CTW270B.WAV ~CTW1150.WAV ~CTW1D58.WAV ~CTW0742.WAV ~CTW3513.WAV ~CTW274A.WAV ~CTW1A1F.WAV ~CTW0223.WAV ~CTW0B41.WAV ~CTW3648.WAV ~CTW2225.WAV ~CTW2947.WAV ~CTW1B15.WAV ~CTW1C78.WAV ~CTW0821.WAV ~CTW304F.WAV ~CTW3D2A.WAV ~CTW2A1F.WAV ~CTW1A05.WAV ~CTW0012.WAV ~CTW3235.WAV ~CTW3B43.WAV
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