Das Boot - Original (dasboot3.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Posted by MFC42 on Thu 28th Jun 2001, rated 8 / 10.
This is not a bad song, but I found it extremly boring compared to the other Das Boot songs and remixes out there. This song was a little too slow for my standards and I was hoping it would speed up during the middle of it or something. Well it was pretty well done I guess. That piano could have done with a little higher quality I suppose, but quality isn't everything. The drums fit the song pretty well. There's a great power kick drum for all the rippers out there! ;)
This is not a bad song, but I found it extremly boring compared to the other Das Boot songs and remixes out there. This song was a little too slow for my standards and I was hoping it would speed up during the middle of it or something. Well it was pretty well done I guess. That piano could have done with a little higher quality I suppose, but quality isn't everything. The drums fit the song pretty well. There's a great power kick drum for all the rippers out there! ;)
Internal Texts *
Componiert von Christian Krieger (c) Januar 1999 von Lodgimix ( 4:09 min.) Das Boot - Original Mix Edition Comments to acrabQt-online.de st-04:ex800bass in listening to this 16.wav 17.wav 3.wav 6.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Great song,loved it,an expanded instrumental song,this really has a soul