Encounter (dcmc_encounter.xm)
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By: ...|D DCMC_ ---------------------- E n c o u n t e r ---------------------- text: USS Enterprise-> *This is Captain Jean- Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise... *Captain we're being haled!... *Yes, I know that Data but what could itbe?.. *Perhaps it is scanning us... *It is a lifeform and it has intelligence... *How do you know that sir?... *It's trying to com- municate with us... Alien-> *Greetings earthlings I'm an Xtraterrestrial being from the planet (...) I have been send to earth in the form of this answering machine to propagate with your species. In order to spread my highly superior race troughout the universe You may not realise it but right now I'm having sex with you here. And I know you like it,becauz you are smiling. You may leave a message at the tone,but then please call back, because I'm very very horny... *You may not realise it,but I'm having sex with you here, and I know you like it cause you are smiling... USS Enterprise-> *Hahaha haha... *ohh, how touching... Alien-> I have been send to earth in the form of this answering machine to propagate with your species... USS Enterprise-> *Quite stimulating wouldn't you say?... *What doesTHATmean?... *I was just being po- lite sir... *We gotta do all haling frequences... *Halingfrequences open sir... ( Bust it off !!! ) Alien-> *Aaaarghhh... (DEAd) USS Enterprise-> *Quite stimulating wouldn't you say?... *Indubiddibdly... *What doesTHATmean?... End mailto: derrick_speed.a2000.nl or ICQ#32900506 ...|D DCMC_ - - - - - - - - - - - The Netherlands - - - - - - - - - - - Dspnoa2.wav Arpbas~1.wav Close_05.wav Brum.wav C3nacgtr.wav C1acbass.wav Juno18.wav Juno12.wav Juno23.wav Juno11.wav Analog2.pcm SKunkbas Bbs3.wav Bbs4.wav Bad_1.wav ST-01:hihat.closedskso BuFF-HiHat.Open.1 Zugabe.wav Diana5.wav Alien.wav Trektng.wav Dogs.wav Aaah.wav Carcrash.wav Explode.wav Starwar.wav Laser.wav Lach.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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