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reflective mood (bj_mood.s3m)

Info Summary

  • bj_mood.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 562.40KB in size and has been downloaded 1681 times since Sat 14th Sep 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 36949
  • Downloads: 1681
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: ff5e22ee945845d9e035b86787ca453c
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 14
  • Uncompressed Size: 562.40KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

     - RεFLεCTIVε MOOD -
           - by -
   - Ben-Jam of HM.Scope -

-Flashing lights,
              nervous eyes.
 Time goes by,
             as hot as ice.
 No one cares,
             to how we are.
 No one scares,
               our shadows.
 Ain't there something
 Behind the mirror it's not
 us staring, wondering.
 It ain't our world we see
 beyond the line.
 It's really time, it's not
 too late...but to soon...
 think about yourself...
 ...in a reflective mood.

 Okay...what do you think?
 I know...that huge delay..
 I don't care...
 That song became nice to
 listen to...I think...

 finished: 97-o8-o2
 pl. time: <5:10>
 smpl-mem: 668K
 ptrn-mem: o41K

 all samples ripped...
     ...sorry  for that...


-If you like this song...
 ...please send me a word!

 To all sceners spreaded
 around the world...
 ...and don't forget:

  <Long live the scene!>


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
