. : Freedom : . (bla-free.xm)
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_ This is _ Freedom ---------------------- By: BlaZE '2001 (c) ---------------------- This track was made by S|wawe|Z you said? Yes, it is..... But form now on: S|wawe|Z = BlaZe You wonder why? It's because I did some really stupid BAD tracks a year ago. And I can't belive it! I sent them to modarchive! Thats why I change my nickname and re- started my career as a composer :-)........ ---------------------- This track was remade and upgraided 2001.... I made the bass much stronger and the effe- cts is really better now. I also made a flaged synth-comp in the background to make it a little better. ---------------------- Greets goes to: Modarchive Poxicator And: Elwood Lizardking Gidorah For making good music that I like and get insperation from. ---------------------- Any questions? E-Mail me at: dal00lh_dalang. lidkoping.se _ = AT ;-) Thank you out there!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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