Here is a beat... (bla-heab.xm)
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Elo world! 8) It was time to make some harder music comparing to my "old"- style.. Like techno... No advanced effects this time either... Made by blaze 2001 ---------------------- Yeahhh! Welcome! Enjoy! Cuz here is a beat from blaze! ---------------------- Drop me a mail! (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' Yeahhh2.wav Welcom~1.wav Enjoy.wav Cuzher~1.wav Tech5.smp (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments'
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Not a bad track, it sounds good in ModPlug Player. But i feel that instead of doubling the channels (causing major distortion)Blaze could have given some reverb to the bland synths. However, there is a nice melody, and when the marimba comes in it sounds excelent. A good track if you are looking around for some trance to download. The track is poorly put together, there is a moment where Blaze uses a Tone Portamento (the 3** effect) where it wouldn't actually do anything, maybe it would make more sense to use a pitch slide effect here. Also as i stated earlier Blaze doubled the tracks causing major sound cliping. The samples are quite poor i.e. there are gaps before the bass drum and there is little instrument editing.