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The Good StuffSummary
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Made by: Zeke82 -------------------- Hej ditt fulo som sitter och läser dessa textrader... Okej, jag läser skiten själv hee heee Den här låten e väll inte något vidare, utan jag ville bara prova ett instrument som jag länge letat efter.. Nämligen panflöjten. Den e go! Dedicerad till: * Annika * Snyggare brud finns inte!!!! PUSS!!! /din Knorre haha fuljäger, nu sitter du och plockar fram alla bra instrument i denna xm JERKER!!! SVERKER!!! hehe gissa vem som har 6000? *retas* Hå hå så du sitter verkligen och letar va?? Jag har gömt ett instrument nånstans hee hee *leka smart* from sample pack ripped ripped ripped ripped ripped ripped ripped from Mystical ripped ripped ripped ripped Ana.wav ripped ripped Sampled from SC-155 Ripped Ripped from sample pack sample pack by Jazz ripped/modified sample pack by Jazz Binakeys.wav ripped sampled from eguit sampled from eguit sampled from eguit sampled from eguit sampled from eguit sampled from eguit sampled from eguit Modified/ sample from SC-155 sample pack by Jazz ripped ripped ripped Ahh2.smp Mix of 3 ripped samples Ranged data from FT2 P1_ll.smppmp Guitar Mezo1 The Zapper!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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