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Northern Sky (cj-north.it)

Info Summary

  • cj-north.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 549.61KB in size and has been downloaded 5029 times since Sun 18th Oct 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 37329
  • Downloads: 5029
  • Favourited: 5 times
  • MD5: 6c6e4bbd7365bc9f76cdaa39b7999457
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 549.61KB
  • Genre: Pop (general)

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by karmann on Sat 13th Mar 2010, rated 10 / 10.

I first downloaded this song By chris Jarvis in 1998. I loved it then, and still do. I actually helped him save it from being ripped by an artist called SpaceWalk. It's my very favorite song. You Still Rock Chris!

member Posted by slammy on Thu 31st May 2007, rated 9 / 10.

After years and years have gone by of first hearing this track, I still love it as I first did. This was the first .IT file I ever got to play, and what a great way to enter Impulse Tracker. Awesome atmosphere from start to finish, lovely piano riffs,

member Posted by Crimson on Wed 2nd Dec 1998, rated 9 / 10.

With great melodies and changes this is an excellent track. The piano lead is backed up by moving strings and cool percussions. At 8 minutes long you would think it would dry up but it keeps interest. A worthy addition to any collection. A really well arranged song with great atmosphere. Volumes and panning all perfectly set. A lil hefty at 562k but worth every byte. It's not easy keeping 8 minutes interesting and this song doesnt fall short at all. 24 channels of atmospheric splender.

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Info Internal Texts *

A  K O S M I C  release...

Northern Sky              May 1997

(C) Chris Jarvis / KFMF / Analogue

NEW ADDRESS: cjarvis_camtech.net.au (April 1998)

Snail: Chris Jarvis
       38 Austral Tce
       Malvern 5061
       South Australia

This song took over eight months to write and I lost inspiration more than
once, with many weeks of inactivity. I'm glad that the piece has finally
come together sounding okay. There are no real musical statements here,
but I aimed to make a nice sounding presentation overall.

It will also be my last release with Kosmic. I've had a short but
enjoyable career in the group which is always expanding, producing a lot
of high quality material. Because I'm so busy I  can't maintain consistent
output for the group so I'll make way for the new trackers who want to be
part of it. Greetings to all at KFMF - keep up the good work! I hope you
enjoy this release!

Thanks and greets go out to those whose samples I've used (see sample

I also want to thank Jeff Lim for making this song possible by creating
such a cool program. The advantages of Impulse Tracker are not only in the
NNA and other technologies but in the common sense functionality and ease
of use. Jeff has been generous in his efforts to gather feedback from
fellow trackers and follow up with alterations/additions to the program.
The result is a tracker that has increased the ability of composers to
record quickly and easily their musical ideas and to control every facet
of the sound reproduction - and that's what tracking's all about.

These are my thoughts...what are yours?

                 - cJ

- April 1998 -
Just re-releasing this one - it was never uploaded on hornet.

        - Chris Jarvis / Analogue

Halo Pad
High String
Big hitbass
Orchestra String 5ths

Halo Pad      - Pulse
High String   - Pulse
Lowstring     - me
Popbass       - me
Bongo 1       - me
Koto          - me
Heartbeat     - Pmotion
Synth 5ths    - me
Bassdrum      - Necros
Hihat 1       - Necros
Hihat  2      - RCramer
Hihat   3     - Zastar
Hihat    4    - Sturm
Hihat     5   - Sturm
Bongo   2     - RCramer
Hitbass       - Basehead
Synthbass     - Necros
Big hitbass   - Pmotion
Techweird     - Pmotion
Doo           - Sandman
Piano 1       - Andy Chen
Piano  2      - Andy Chen
Piano   3     - Andy Chen
Piano    4    - Andy Chen
Piano     5   - Andy Chen
Crash Cymbal  - Dustbin
Techsnare     - Necros
Synthlead     - Basehead

Northern Sky (C)

Chris Jarvis / Kosmic
             / Analogue

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