Little Pearl (
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" Little Pearl " composed by _Blasa in December 2000 00h:06m:38s o-> <-o | | o-> send comments <-o Almost all samples by X3...other samples by lizardk and Mikey ... Others unknown... ...but big thanks to all of them, without you, this song wouldn't be possible // \\ Well, i had to slow down a little bit... ...and i think that this song is the living proof of that! Slow, cold and lost sounds for a song that makes a wonderfull picture of the sea, in this case under it, by the amazing corals and the beautifull creatures that live among it... I choosed a pearl, a little pearl... that glows when several invisible hands of the sea pass through her... The little pearl is taken by this hands, slowly to the beach, encountering the warm and white sands of a tropical island full of luxurious trees and floral diversity... As the crystal pearl is bathed by the sea water a group of people aproaches the little pearl... Black and almost naked, wearing bones and feathers from animals. One of them stops to catch the little pearl and admire it.. It was so beautifull, glowing like crystal clear... Transparent white, a perfect sphere for his colection, but suddenly he raises is hand holding the little pearl and... she learns to fly... fly away through the blue sky and returning to the bottom of the sea again... Preservation... Earth... learn to... ...this the message of the song ! // \\ Works with IT, MPP and CP... You got to have some powerfull bass in order to fully ear this mod... Thanks for listening... and see you next time! Blasa prods (c) Dec. 2000 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by x3 by Mikey by Mikey lizard king
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