Blind Colour (
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Blind Colour" by ECLiPSEⁿ, (ECLiPSE Cubed, UK, 1999) of AudioTronix Created With: Impulse Tracker 2.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ----------- This is a wierd track, it doesn't stay the same for too long. This is more of a concept track rather then song...but still, it sounds pretty cool. Sorry about the file size, and song lenght. I made a smaller version, (see below), but it didn't sound right. I hope it was worth the download. If you want to remix, or rework any part of this song feel free, but please ask me before releasing it or publishing it. This song also contains a cut down version of BLIND COLOUR at about 3 minuets. If you want to listen to it, it's in the pattern order between at 67 and 96, just delete all the pattern orders above it, then play the song. (you'll probably have to do this in Impulse Tracker, the program's free, so download it from my web site!!! (See below for more details...)). Oh...and if this song is too quite on your system, turn your speakers up, not the song! Or it'll sound distorted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLES ------- There are a lot of samples in this one, (I think it's the most I've ever used), it made the song size pretty big too. Sample #1 - Killer Bass, Unknown Origin Sample #2 - Vibration Noise, Unknown Origin Sample #3 - House Beat 1, Computer Music Magazine Cover Disk, (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #4 - House Beat 1 (No Bass), Same as above Sample #5 - Swish, Computer Music Magazine Cover Disk, (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #6 - Boom Bass Drum, Unknown Origin Sample #7 - Metalic Hit, Unknown Origin Sample #8 - 'Fear of the Lord' (Mute), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #9 - 'Yeah' (Reverse), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #10 - 'Fear of the Lord', CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #11 - Synth Beep, Unknown Origin Sample #12 - 'Fear of the Lord' (Distorted), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #13 - 'Fear of the Lord' (Flange), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #14 - House Beat 1 (Reverse), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #15 - Club Bass, Mine Sample #16 - 'Jesus...", (CMMCD (Vol1 Iss3) **REMOVED TO SAVE SPACE** Sample #17 - Strings, Unknown Origin Sample #18 - Piano, Unknown Origin Sample #19 - House Beat 2, CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #20 - House Beat 2 (No Bass), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #21 - Piano (Mute), Unknown Origin Sample #22 - Electronic Thud, Unknown Origin Sample #23 - House Beat 2 (Reverse), CMMCD (Vol1 Iss1) Sample #24 - 'I'm Invisable man...', Freddy Mercury/ Queen Sample #25 - Piano Riff, Meriah Carrey Feel free to use these samples, as long as you put them to good use. Note - As I am not the owner of most of these samples, use them with care. Quite a lot of the samples I have used were re-sample for other tracks, (NOT RIPPED), but of course, if you recognise them to be originally your samples I will credit you in my next release and on my web site. Oh...and special thanks to whoever owns sample 17, (Strings), I'm sorry, that sample I did rip, :( , nothing else would fit the song. I also used a fair few instruments too, which you are welcome to use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT ------- If you wish to contact me, e-mail me at Also visit my web site at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS -------------- Big respect going out to DJ Sci, (scienide), my partner in tracking, and thanks to The Mod Archive, United Trackers and Trax-In-Space for hosting my tracks. MOD ARCHIVE - UNITED TRACKERS - TRAX-IN-SPACE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEEP ON TRACKIN' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Track: Blind Colour Artist: ECLiPSE3 Date: 3rd March 1999 Playing Time: 7:06 (c) ECLiPSE3 1999 Hit Shift + F9 Track: Blind Colour Artist: ECLiPSE3 Date: 3rd March 1999 Playing Time: 7:06 This IT contains both the LP and the Radio Edit see Pattern Order 67-96 for The Radio Edit For Message... ...Hit Shift + F9! Samples 24 & 25 are property of various artist and must not be re-published for profit. This track is exclusively Owned my ECLiPSE3 (C) ECLiPSE3 1999
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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