Blue Dream CWM (
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(c) Copyright Zepsi/CrazyWorld Music NORWAY December 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL rights belong to Zepsi. Do NOT make changes to this song, this text, the text at F3 or the text at F4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If copied or performed credits MUST be given to Zepsi and CrazyWorld Music --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This song was made on Impulse Tracker with a Sound Blaster 16 driver..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The samples were taken from Victor "Awesome" Vergara's mix of Jarre's "Oxygene 8" (though Victor named it "Oxygene 9" :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver.:1.00 Time: 3min 2sec A blue dream Yet not as blue as the ocean Far from as free as the eternal sky But still... blue A song influenced by Jean Michel Jarre, made with the excellent samples Awesome used in his conversion of Jarre's latest commersial hit "Oxygene 8". I believe this is about the third song I make which contains samples/instruments made/collected by Awesome. I hope he understands that I do it because they are perfect for making the type of music that I want to make, and that it's nothing personal against him. I must also add that I used one sample from M6V-HUMA.XM, see the sample list (F3) to find out which one. I suppose this song, technically speaking, is the best song I have made to date. It took me some weeks to finish it, but that was mostly because of lack of inspiration. I think that it is a bit too short, <Page down> but I also believe that if I had pushed myself to make it longer, it might had turned out too boring. In the end I want to apologize to all of those who won't be able to play this song correctly because of all the virtual channels that it uses. :P If you for some reason want to contact me, write to, or meet me on irc at #modarchive (at least in the christmas). CCC W W M M C W W M M M C W W W M M CCC W W M M BBB l u u eeee DDD rrr eeee aa m m B B l u u e D D r r e a a m m m B B l u u eee D D rrr eee aaaa m m B B l u u e D D r r e a a m m BBB llll uu eeee DDD r r eeee a a m m (c) Greets: DJ FLAMIE/CWM LittleElk/TMM MarshMallowMan Bloody Mess Per Einar Skavhaug 12.28.98
(c) Copyright Zepsi/CWM ------------------------- Composed and tracked by Zepsi on Impulse Tracker w/SB16. NORWAY Dec 1998 ------------------------- Blue Dream ------------------------- _____ ______ \ \------------- / / \ \ \=========== / /1 0\ \ \--------- / /10 00\ \ \======= / /011 000\ \ \----- / /0100 0000\ \ \=== / /00101 00000\ \ \- / /000110 000000\ \ \/ /0000111 000000/ / \0001000 ------------------------- CrazyWorld Music ------------------------- Shift+F9 Per Einar Skavhaug "Wake up! Blue Dreams are Dancing in Your Head" (c) Copyright Zepsi/CWM ------------------------- Zap by SergioDJ ravehat From Impression Fx by Sergio DJ From Future Music Blorg 1 by K.Koch Blorg 2 by K.Koch Blorg 3 by K.Koch Blorg 4 by K.Koch Blorg 5 by K.Koch Blorg 6 by K.Koch Blorg 7 by K.Koch Synth By Sergio Dj. Wind by Lizardking Bass from Lizardking Bass from Lizardking Bass from Lizardking Bass from Lizardking Bassdrum from Hihat by Awesome M16c.amf sd2 by Sergio DJ Bass by Awesome Fx from ... ? Bell from ... ? Long hat from Cymbal from Future Sampled by Awesome. Sample from M6V-HUMA.XM "Wake up! Blue Dreams are Dancing in Your Head"
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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