ac0rns (
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The Good StuffSummary
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ac0rns 02"48 began 24dec2002 complete 09jan2003, released 11jan2003 strangely enough, this song eminated from the phrase i coined on the last day of work in an irritating call centre, december 2002; "christmas cake on research break," thanks to a certain Amanda, a fellow work collegue :). also, this is my first song for the new year and probably last song for awhile as i'm trying to work on warped iv and get rid of my records of Emotions Gemini (on transparent blue 220g vinyl btw, available for $25 from stores in Sydney and soon to be Melbourne and Adelaide and Europe hopefully.. see how things go).. anyhow.. this song is a slightly slapdash but i just wanted to put together something that was coming out of me in the middle of summer, end of work, over a month to get myself completely away from work and chugalug headfirst into music with no money.. oh well.. heavy metal.. copulata (c) Davey Flop-It, 2003
Stef's Pearl 20" kick EQd Stef's Chad Smith Snare-8 Stef's Pearl Hitom- 1 - 2 Stef's ZildjianHihats-2-1 Stef's ZildjianHihats-2-2 Stef's Hihat stand tap -0 dodgey cable #1 uppicked bass guit #22 Noise #2 Spanish Nylon Guitar low2 Layered Strings (sus2) Layered Strings (sus4) Layered Strings (minor) Lead sinesynth samples 01-10 mine, with thanx to Stefaan B. samples 11-14 ripped from Chuck Biscuits' song "Somerie" DF-ACORN.NFO
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