destr. around 2000 (da_2.xm)
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** destruction around 2000 ** (c) 1995, 1999, 2000 by neuron contact: home page: recommended players: modplug player/tracker, ft2 time: 11:34 inspired by the game doom 2 >;) ok, just a word of warning: this is a very *loooong* industrial tune in a rather minimalistic manner; so, if you're into this kind of sound, you're gonna love it, but if this style is not your kind of music, it's gonna be a pretty lengthy torture for you >>;-> this is actually the 3rd regular version of "destruction around", after a shorter "single" and and a maxi version (both done in 1995 as mods) greetz to my fellow experimentalists, especially to Maurizio (MCorda)! :)
destruction around *** 2000 *** (c) 1995, 1999, 2000 by neuron time: 11:34 recommended players: modplug, ft2
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