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Kick Marcato Piano French Horn Moog Bass Kick [Yakra] Snare [Yakra] Marcato [Yakra] Brass [Yakra] Piano [Yakra] French Horn [Yakra] Moog Bass [Yakra] ÄÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÉ æ Breath of Fire: Agua Æ æTracked to .IT by YakraÆ æ Song time: 0:28 Æ ôöööööööööööööööööööööööò 1999-03-17 I've had this tune sitting on my HD for months, pretty much com- plete. I did it just for the hell of it once based on the midi I did, since I had these samples from the game. So today I fin- ally decided to haul it out, tweak it a bit, and release it. Enjoy! Back to something a lit- tle more normal for my big #42 release - I deci- ded to say the heck with making a big production and get this outta my way Ah well. It'd be too hard to top Ebb & Flow pt.2 anyway. ^_^;; \/Ö/æÆ/Æ\ Ö/æ \/ÆÆÆ / /-æÆ\Æ\ /-æ /\ÆÆÆ
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