Party - Breath of Fire (
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Steel Drums Flute Bass Trumpet Cowbell Sustained Bass Conga Bass Drum Snare Hi-Hat Steel Drums [Me] Flute [GLEJS] Bass [Me] Trumpet [Me] Cowbell [BOF] Bass Drum [TSSF] Snare [TSSF] Hi-Hat [R. Cruzen] Congas (Toms)[Nerrick] ------------------------- Breath of Fire Party Theme Capcom - Squaresoft ------------------------- Whoo, finally done. I know that's probably not the real name of the song but I couldn't find the name of it anywhere. Anyway, this one's pretty nice; an exact transcrip- -tion, except the stereo effects probably aren't the same, but they've gotta be better! It sounds more like a trum- -pet/flute duet this way ( accompanied by steel drum band! ) which means alot to me actually; be- -cause I play trumpet and I'm in the steel drum band at ISU and there's this girl that plays the flute... 8) ...but, why would you want to hear about this. Look, I've even gone below the bot- -tom of the window so I have to scroll down. I never do that! I might as well write you a book while I'm down here. I'll stop now. ENJOY!!!!!! Doug Hoskisson ---- Beaux May 28, 1998 I won't let this go any further! THIS is the bottom line!! fooled ya :)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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