Perfect Harmony (co-perfe.xm)
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-------------------- * Perfect Harmony * -------------------- Composed by Sway and Sculptor ( a coop-project ) _ DBA-SE 1999 -------------------- -------------------- Duration: 5.05 min -------------------- Style: Happy rave -------------------- Finished & released 99-01-04 -------------------- -------------------- Samples taken from: * Yamaha SY85 * Sonic * Nexuz * Slice * Radix -------------------- -------------------- Greets go to: All members of SE (Something Else) & DBA (Dippy Beats Association) and all the others we know.. -------------------- -------------------- Visit our groupsites! mindfire/dba -------------------- something.else -------------------- -------------------- Contact Sway: Contact Sculptor: -------------------- * a DBA-SE Release * -------------------- -------------------- The copyright of this xm-module belongs to the composers. It may not be used or altered in any way without permission. --------------------
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
A perfectly happy song, with nice chord progressions and fast synths... It's a little bit repetitive after 3 minutes though.