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Tampered freedoms (dgt_bf.it)

Info Summary

  • dgt_bf.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.27MB in size and has been downloaded 1205 times since Sat 28th Jul 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 38066
  • Downloads: 1205
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 87b362ffe61e6fcb056946a7151e8fb0
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.27MB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


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Info Internal Texts *

 ---> Rock speedup mix <----

Song & Vrs. Info :
   Duration - 8:44 Mins
   by DiGiT / Pierfranello
   Add. 1st part ( patt. 8-21 ) Mixing : TranceMaster
   Instruments 36-38-39-40-49 : Galuzz
   Piano variations ( patt. 36-46 ) : Samme/DiGiT
   Piano samples ( inst. 32 ) : Samme
   Mixing : Pandorio
   Lot of samples taken from a SheepShyfter song : Nimbus  [E-Rmx]
   - ( Instr. 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10-14-16-17-18-19-21-23 )

Other version :
   Calm Mix : TranceMaster/Digit/Dany
   XBass dance remix : TranceMaster

SoundHall crew :
   Digitbox - Mix, music.
   TranceMaster - Mix, Music, and God of the syntos.
   PierFranello - Music 'n Rebirth Master.
   Galuzz - Guitar player, sampler.
   Samme - Music, piano.
   Bibi - Flute, Sax, orchestral arrangements.
   Nikko - Drums ( real, no sampled ! ).
   Pandorio - Mixer, Fx engineer, Masterer.
   Dany - Music, Barman.

Thank you for downloading this song !
I'll be grateful if you'll send me feedback about the song to :


Look out for SoundHall site ......  work in progress .....

Greetz : Simo, Bart J, Xatos, Kaymano, Igne, Mau the "cappuccio" caster, Barba,
         Katia "Memole" Moretti, Jacopo "tamarro" Lanini, Jacopo "wanna fuck
         everything" Cenni, Tommaso "WAZZUP!" Ciccolone, Marco "Elcabeza" Belli,
         Alessandro "Ho vinto qualche cosa?" Pastorelli, all _ Milestone, Damage
         Lab crew, Andrea "Brugola" Capigatti, Virginio "Gas ora e sempre" Biagi
         Turbozaura,Gianni el beveron, Andrea "UFO" Ghelli, Simona "UAHAAHAAHHHH
         Mugnai,Sesa,Puffi's family, Lalla, Robbe' "Duracell", Zago, Centauro,
         All the CMRR tournament player, Katia Imbaglione, Astuccio, The "Chiava
         crew, T.V.D.Veerd,Capo,Fabio "pitoro" Vannini,Trakka,Samu & Robe,Ilaria
         Chiara,Matte',Alessiuccia,Spazz,Marco "Fava",Marco "Roma",Bobo, Stinco,
         friends _ #ModArchive, and all I forgot.
   Bye ......

(c) Soundhall - Digitbox 2001

Warm Synth
Low Ensemble Strings
Drumloop 1 Equalized
Ambient Piano 16-bit

Echo Snare

Cool Bass

Hihat CL #1
Hihat CL #2
Hihat OP
Hihat CL #3


Cymbal roll L

Warm Synth            Maz
BassString            Maz
Drumloop 1 Eq.     xerxes
Ambient Piano    darkhalo
Sine                  ???
Crash                 Maz
Drumloop 1         xerxes
Rimshot            Warder
Echo Snare         Warder
Bassdrum           Warder
Drumloop 2-1     darkhalo
Drumloop 2-2     darkhalo
Drumloop 2-3     darkhalo
Cool Bass    SheepShyfter
Drumloop 3         Acumen
Hihat CL #1        Warder
Hihat CL #2        Warder
Hihat OP           Warder
Hihat CL #3        Warder
Whales            Hellsun
Powerchord   SheepShyfter
Powerchord 2       Acumen
Cymbal roll L      Acumen
Cymbal roll R      Acumen
QSynth Bass #1     Warder
QSynth Bass #2     Warder
QSynth Bass #3     Warder
Panflute        Andromeda
Reactor SFX      darkhalo
Voice SFX          Anubis
Clock L      SheepShyfter
Clock R      SheepShyfter

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