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Pump it up 'til it resist (dgt_putir.it)

Info Summary

  • dgt_putir.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 653.32KB in size and has been downloaded 2211 times since Tue 9th Oct 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 38096
  • Downloads: 2211
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: f49d89d6e9925d380b473f8e9566f18a
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 19
  • Uncompressed Size: 653.32KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Techno

License License

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Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Mon 6th May 2002, rated 7 / 10.

This artist Digitbox is an Italian fellow and is a member of a Soundhall Crew. This track was made in some party within 1 hour. Might be yeah, the song is quite simple, but it has a nice touch of those old technosongs from the 80's. Quality ain't the best kind in this song, but the mood is nice.=) After choosing the "play" option from my player, an acidsweep swept to my ears. Some other synths join to this intro and so does hihats. Then the mainmelody begins its solorole. It is made with a sample that I had on my amiga say in '92 or something, but it sounds lovely.=) Bassdrum backs up this pattern soon and the song is getting to build up. Some bass and synths are added here alsoand the action is ok, but then comes a small break. The second part of this song uses some clubsamples for a while and I was scared for a while that "now this song starts to sound like any other dancetrack...", but nooo, soon a very usual, but lovely technosynth fills the channel and the action begins again, with the same style than in the beginning. A few moments more and the outro starts its looooong way to the end. Same pattern is played pretty long time here with only some fine volumeadjusting and slowly the song fades out... This track doesn't impress me with the quality or extremely skilled tracking, but the mood and athmosphere in this song made me hilarious.=) It was very refreshing to hear something like this. It is quite usual that an old mod might sound a bit like this, but now when the song has much more channels... Well, it sounds good to me.=) Nice one DigitBox.=) Well, the technical side in this song is ok. Nothing major appeared in this song like huge amount of effects, but that is understandable since this song was made in an hour. Panning was used well and so was tempo in one pattern, where the song slowed down nicely. Both 8 and 16-bit samples were used here. I liked the samples used since I got some nice vibes of nostalgia.=) Pretty good song overall..

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Info Internal Texts *

     ---> ULTRARAW EDIT <----

Song & Vrs. Info :
   Duration - 4:03 Mins
   by DiGiT / TranceMaster
   Echo Optimization & Mixing : TranceMaster
   Instruments : Lots ripped, but I don't mind from where :-P
   Ultrafast sintos loop ( patt. 31-35 ) : Samme
   Mixing : Pandorio

Other version :
   "Done without hurry" mix : TranceMaster
   Available from november 2001

SoundHall crew :
   Digitbox - Mix, music.
   TranceMaster - Mix, Music, and God of the syntos.
   PierFranello - Music 'n Rebirth Master.
   Galuzz - Guitar player, sampler.
   Samme - Music, piano.
   Bibi - Flute, Sax, orchestral arrangements.
   Nikko - Drums ( real, no sampled ! ).
   Pandorio - Mixer, Fx engineer, Masterer.
   Dany - Music, Barman.

This song was done for a party where some stupid friends want
"something done by us". We have done it in about 1 hour.
Sorry if it sounds a little bit raw.
Thank you for downloading this song !
I'll be grateful if you'll send me feedback about the song to :


Look out for SoundHall site ......  work in progress .....

Greetz : Simo, Bart J, Xatos, Kaymano, Igne, Mau the "cappuccio" caster, Barba,
         Katia "Memole" Moretti, Jacopo "tamarro" Lanini, Jacopo "wanna fuck
         everything" Cenni, Tommaso "WAZZUP!" Ciccolone, Marco "Elcabeza" Belli,
         Alessandro "Ho vinto qualche cosa?" Pastorelli, all _ Milestone, Damage
         Lab crew, Andrea "Brugola" Capigatti, Virginio "Gas ora e sempre" Biagi
         Turbozaura,Gianni el beveron, Andrea "UFO" Ghelli, Simona "UAHAAHAAHHHH
         Mugnai,Sesa,Puffi's family, Lalla, Robbe' "Duracell", Zago, Centauro,
         All the CMRR tournament player, Katia Imbaglione, Astuccio, The "Chiava
         crew, T.V.D.Veerd,Capo,Fabio "pitoro" Vannini,Trakka,Samu & Robe,Ilaria
         Chiara,Matte',Alessiuccia,Spazz,Marco "Fava",Marco "Roma",Bobo, Stinco,
         friends _ #ModArchive, and all I forgot.
   Bye ......

(c) Soundhall - Digitbox 2001


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