Kinetically Inclined (
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Release No.6 on ITv2.14p5 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Song Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + "Kinetically Inclined" Featuring MTV Music Generator Samples (8-bit) by Din Copyright (c) 2005 Gauche Music 03min13sec 75bpm 4/4 Begun: Apr.02.2005 Completed: Apr.07.2005 +----------------------------Legend-----------------------------+ | | | ma- Sample Collection(s) c/o The Mod Archive | | mtv- MTV Music Generator Samples (NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE!* | | sdp- Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 Preset | | orp- Orangator 2.0 Preset | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ * You can contact Codemasters about the licensing of their samples and the Music Generator in general by writing to: MTV Music Generator Codemasters USA, P.O. Box 2150 Oakhurst, CA 93644 You may also be able to get information at: Be sure to include this notice in your MOD comments should you rip any * of their samples. Commentary (hmmmm...): This was one of those songs that just came together on it's own. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Lately I seem to be doing songs in pieces, one movement runs it's course and is replaced by another, which might eventually be replaced by yet another. I hope I'm going in the right direction with this trend. It helps me to break up the monotony, but there are times when I wonder if the separate pieces hold together. This one has a common piano phrase that ties them together perhaps a little better than other tunes of mine. Let me know what you think. I seriously considered dragging out the song's length, bringing back the first movement in a different way, but I decided that I'd probably be happiest leaving it as is. I remember reading somewhere something to this effect: It's better if people think your songs are too short rather than too long. It might have been the Tracker's Handbook, but I'm not sure. Regardless, it's good advice I elected to follow. Probably for the first time, too. When I first starting making music on the Music Generator, some of my songs were 10 or 12 minutes long, with no real variations or modulations, no choruses, and no bridges. I've since managed to cut the song lengths down, but the choruses, bridges, etc. are still in the works. This song also represents my efforts at bring more chord variety into my songs. Until recently, all of my chords were major or minor, with nothing else to spice things up. Because of my interest in George Gershwin's version of jazz(though it was called pop in his day), I've been trying to use more jazz-ish chords. I think mixing jazz and industrial would make a good sound. I'm still working on it, though. That's all for this one. Keep tracking. Thanks go to: -God, creator and inspiration, and all that good stuff -Jeffrey Lim, for giving the world the greatest tracker -The Mod Archive, for letting trackers come together to trade music, ideas, and experience -Nasca Paul Octavian, for making Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 -Agent Orange, for Orangator 2.0 -Codemasters, for the MTV Music Generator for PS1 -The Tracking Community, for coming up with this idea in the first place, and for keeping it going -Naturally, anybody who likes this and/or any of my released tunes (I'm grinning like a fool) ******* **** ** *** ******* ** ** * * ** ** *** * * ** *** * ** * * ** ** * ** * * ** * *** * ** ** * ** ******** ** *** ** /Christopher Brewer Got an opinion? What a silly question. Send feedback to: Got a minute? Check out my homepage at:
Drumset Digifilter Roland Piano (p) Prophet Bassline Synth 05 Sweetness FM Strings Synth Brass Flute Pad Ding Filter Filter (reversed) Strings Synth Lead Bass Drum 09 ma Snare 24 ma Hihat 11 ma Hihat 10 ma Cymbal 04 ma Crash 02 ma Cymbal 01 ma Prophet C4 ma Digifilter mtv Sweetness mtv FM Strings 1 sdp Brass 2 (rev) sdp Flute Pad 1 sdp Ding 04 orp Roland Piano C2 ma Roland Piano C3 ma Roland Piano C4 ma Roland Piano C5 ma Roland Piano C6 ma Roland Piano C7 ma Bass Drum 23 ma Filter 0 sdp Filter 0 (reversed) sdp Synth 05 orp Strings 5 orp Synth 09 sdp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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