TELEPOPE (Din Remix) (
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Release No.7 on ITv2.14p5 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Song Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + "TELEPOPE (Din Remix)" Featuring MTV Music Generator Samples 8-bit Remix by Din Copyright (c) 2005 Gauche Music "TELEPOPE" (TELEPOPE.IT _ by FREAKBAIT 2000 (no copyright information) 05min30sec 93.75bpm 4/4 Begun: Jan.04.2004 Completed: Aug.03.2005 (whew!) +----------------------------Legend----------------------------+ | | | ma- Sample Collection(s) C/o the Mod Archive | | mtv- MTV Music Generator (SAMPLES NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE!*) | | sdp- Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 Preset | | | | Ripped Samples: | | 1- "TELEPOPE" by FREAKBAIT (of course) | | 2- ??? whatever's next... | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * You can contact Codemasters about the licensing of their samples and the Music Generator in general by writing to: MTV Music Generator Codemasters USA, P.O. Box 2150 Oakhurst, CA 93644 You may also be able to get information at: Be sure to include this notice in your MOD comments should you rip any * of their samples. Commentary (somethingorother): This is my first attempt at a remix of someone else's song. I really like the original, so I decided I'd try my hand at a tribute. I added some things and left some things out, but that's just me trying to make it different enough to be unique. I hope I got it to sound all right. I got the synth melody wrong (tracks 16-18, patterns 15 and 16), but I can't bring myself to change it; I like the way it turned out too much. I also played up the ending, making it build into a nice big mix that fades out. The original kind of drags out the ending with little variation (I can't really fuss too much, as I do the same thing myself sometimes...heh heh), so I added a few new parts and things. Hope you like it. I might do another version of a TELEPOPE remix, since I messed around with different samples and found another one that sounds really good in place of the Bleep bass (I mean REALLY good). It had more of an industrial sound, though, and just didn't fit into this remix. Look for it in the future (if you're interested, that is). Thanks go to: -God, creator, protector, and all good stuff like that -Jeffrey Lim, creator of IT (WOO HOOO!!) -The Mod Archive, for letting me post my songs for people to review and download :) -Agent Orange, for Orangator 2.0 and all the presets -Nasca Octavia Paul, for Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 and all of those presets -Codemasters, for the MTV Music Generator for PS1 -Un4seen Developments, for XMPlay (which you should use in lieu of Impulse Tracker 2.14, if you're running Win2k/XP or just want playback in Windows) ---> <--- -Freakbait, for releasing the original "TELEPOPE" (it may be a bit rough, but it's still got gold in it) -And finally, all the people who like my tunes :) Later, Trackers. Keep at it. Din (sorry, no ASCII art this time) Contact me and tell me how I'm doing. Check out my homepage, too. Brush your teeth before going to bed. Read plenty of good books. Drink plenty of water (but not before going to bed...yeah). Smile more. Okay, I'm done. Email: Homepage:
Bleep 2 Drumset Low Pass FM Strings Richardy(?) Synth Lead Lead 2 Synth Flute Other Strings Synth Saw Roland Piano C8 Bleep 2 (resampled) 1 Bass Drum 23 ma Snare 09 ma Y MR-10 Closed Hihats ma Y MR-10 Open Hihats ma Bass Drum 18 ma Proteus Snare (A2) ma Low Pass mtv FM Strings 1 sdp Richardy mtv Synth Brass 5 (rev) sdp Closed Hihats 1 ps Open Hihats 1 ps Flute Pad 2 sdp Crash Cymbal 1 ps TR-909 Crash(D0) ma Strings 5 orp khippolast 1 Synth Saw stu Roland Piano C8 ma Bleep 2 (original) 1 ------------------------- "TELEPOPE (Din Remix)" by Din (c) 2005 Gauche Music "TELEPOPE" by FREAKBAIT 2000 ========================= Shift + F9 for Song Info and Legend -------------------------
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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