=Feel the Rythm= (dipa-feel.xm)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 13th May 1999
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This song is extremely professional. The beat is totally perfect. He mixes guitar samples with high piano tones. It is actually the best mod song I have heard so far. If I could I would give it more than 10 points. Listen to it in Fasttracker (That is very important). The technique is fantastic. He used alot of effects to make it sound so good. The samples are great. I actually thought for a while that he had cheated. I thought the samples was about 1 minute long. But then I realised he mixed the song so well that it sounded like it was all taken from a record. This song is capable of getting a record contract.
Internal Texts *
-=Feel the Rythm=- --> by .DiPA. ..musician of RamJam.. What is this? a dance track from DiPA??? Yes!!! This time I decided to leave orchestral music for a few hours, and starting tracking this dance tune :) ----> I hope u like the final results. <---- Feel free to contact me for anything at: dipa_simcity.it -----------> Where can you find other DiPa's songs? Try here: www.simcity.it/dipa ----> Thanx to: Nabo, Dixan, Loonie, Yello, Ciccilleju, and to GDJ for his suggestions :) <---- SEE YOU AT THE NEXT DIPA'S MOD! -= =- -= 5/05/99 =-
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Definitely digging the guitar samples on this one. Feels like western song fused with fantasy -- more fantasy than western though. I suppose the water sample and acoustics and lead sample is what gives me western impression and the melodies and synth parts yield more of a fantasy vibe.