Drum in Space (dis.xm)
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------\\\|||///------ Drum in Space by MaD SUB BPM 140 at Spd. 3 lenght 6'53'' date dec 29 1998 ------///|||\\\------ If you like this soft D'n'B track just let me know: madsub_hotmail.com ICQ# 21225610 or visit my homepage: mduiker.www.cistron.nl >>> Thanx 2 many trackers 4 the samples... Greetings 2: all (united) trackers every1 at TiS >>> Special greetings 2: the Roadhawk Nimrod Dr. Wizard Dr. Dragon S-Trance >>> You can find more of my tracks at: mduiker.www.cistron.nl www.traxinspace.com www.modarchive.com yep, this is the end MaD SUB soft bassdrum MaD SUB funky snare MaD SUB spacy ridn' hihat MaD SUB walkn' hihat MaD SUB short hihat wow... this one is empty... MaD SUB 19981228 wow... this one is empty too... MaD SUB hard snare MaD SUB organ MaD SUB bass MaD SUB string1 MaD SUB piano MaD SUB string2 wow... this one is empty too... MaD SUB pweep filter MaD SUB cymbal rev+norm MaD SUB filter2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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