June by Robin Crumpler (compo_june.it)
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BY Robin Crumpler
Electric Guitar distorted guitar LEAD GUITAR SOLO short palm muted guit gse sweet dist guitar bass guitar 3 slap bass 3 LOUD SOFT BASS DRUM snare drum snare002 Tom crash cymbol 3 cool reverse cymbol ride cymbal tap hat COW BELL praxis swoosh SWOOSH2 sub woofer By Robin Crumpler Copyright 1999 DISGTE.WAV DISTGTA.WAV DISTGTD.WAV DISTGTG.WAV DISTGB.WAV DISTGTEH.WAV sweet dist guitar bass 3000 slap bass 3 LOUD SOFT BASS DRUM HollowSnare space tom crash cymbol 3 cool reverse cymbol short dist giut met LEAD GUITAR SOLO ride cymbal tap hat COW BELL Praxis HyperSpace Swoosh snare002 GE1.WAV GA.WAV GD.WAV GG.WAV GB.WAV GE2.WAV SWOOSH2 sub woofer This song is by Robin Crumpler I wrote this song in June just after I finished my sophmore year in high school. I was just happy school was out and I was going to the beach with my girlfriend. All the guitar samples are by me except sweet dist guitar and short dist giut met so ask before you use. copyright 1999 My email is robinc2_ix.netcom.com
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