Synthetic Dreams (composynth.xm)
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find laser sounds to play during the 6 or 7th group...i can't rememebr..
Mr. SlimDown Presents ~*Synthetic Dreams*~ Time 1:37 Email me at ICQ #1697325 ntitled untitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ample-CD "mazzive inj ample-CD "mazzive inj ntitled Sample-CD "mazzive inj Make it so! Basic DemoSample-Pack eh.wav Affairmative Sample-CD "mazzive inj
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This is a good tune! Unlike his previous, Mr. SlimDown has actually added some more variety into this one! It's nice to listen to, but the ending of the song could have been better. But other than that, this is a good song, with a catchy string line :) The samples are good. I was complaining about the snare drum sample before... Well, the snare drum sample in this song is much better, however, the bass drum sample sounds muffled. TOO muffled ;) And the one and only voice in the song takes away from the experience.