controle.xm (controle.xm)
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qwer qwer qwer melody sbleeb29 melody BrucieMoose, Maz, melody melodyqq technoi qwer en druk dan op c. en druk dan op c. hihat fanx fly to HGE, for clap sbleeb qwerqqqq anyway, i hope you all snare qwer qer -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= samba choir stings tokkel meliiody techno Fresh Air Synth (GUS) Tec.wav rebirth.808ohihat sunsquid mc303 808 clap reverb _ K-Zedd Ba35c-4a.wav Cras40.wav reverted crash cymbal _ K-Zedd, AKA 05a1.wav left Cras39.wav Strg-aa1.wav Seq-a2.wav
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An electronic tune with good samples, professionally sounding arrangements, a somewhat elusive melody played by a bell sample. Tight drum-line, but it feels bit weak harmonically, although it sounds clean and utilizes the stereo to the maximum (never a given in modules).