Feel the Energy (bsr-fnrg.it)
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,$$$$$$$$. ,$$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$ $$$$'`$$$$ $$$$'`$$$$ $$$$' $$$$' `$$$$$$' $$$' `$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$.,$$$$ $$$$. $$$$. ``$$'' $$$. $$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$ `$$$$$$$$. $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$'`$$$. $$$$' $$$$' $$ `$$$ $$$$.`$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$. $$$$. $$ $. ,$$$ `$$$$$$$$' `$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watcher (Where R U?) Magic (StarCraft rulezzz :) Noise (My remix of your tune is cool!) NebulA (Quit, you addict :) Faith (Amiga rules!) Ryo-Ohki (You're the best!) Druid (We still gotta make a demo :) T-light (Same as Druid :) ReVoLT (Didn't expect your name here, eh? ;) RaViTy (HaVeN is dead...) Bookie (Your Manga GFX still amaze me!) Raptor (Damn good music...) Pre-Side (Mechanical Industry...!) Collision (Read Pre-Side :) Dark Spirit (Stop calling me when you're high) Stalwart (IP rulezzz :)) Mailegon (Finish that DAMN engine) Klectron (We need GFX man!) JFK (Make sure the webboard doesn't crash :)) Calvin (IP Music! :)) Melzener (Can't convert IT2MID yet, dammit :( Matt Shaw (Thnx 4 Support!) MailFreddy (How're the arms?) CyRiX (I didn't forget ya) GeC (Where were U at Amb2k? It sucked anyway) And to all other guys/gals I forgot (I didn't know I knew that much ppl outside my social life (Yes I DO have a social life :))) Fuck-off's go to : My math teacher Cu l8r :)
VocalsLead Strings Piano 1 Steel-str.Gt Saw Wave Crash Cymbal Bass a Synth Bass 1 Fingered Bs. Warm Pad Closed Hi Hat Open Hi-Hat Clap Trance Synth 1 Snare ReverseBass Offsetsynth Tick /üü\ /üü\ /üü\ â / â/\ä â/\ä â \ ââää â\/ä â / ââää â å/ â \ â\/ä âä \åå/dge \åå/f \/anic -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Feel the Energy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Length : 5.17 mins NNA : Always Ins. : 18 Samp. : 26 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Most samples ripped from Modplug Tracker, others by me... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This remix was made in about 4 hours (I had some probs with the "Cleanup song" function in Modplug) (I remixed it in IT2.14 before you get wrong thoughts :)) You can stop now :)) "Feel the Energy" TRANCE REMIX! This is a headache remix I really had a THROBBING headache while writing this tune :)) I think this is the original title (Ik got a MIDI from a friend of mine called Feel_nrg.mid So I'm not completely sure :( This song came from an add-on of Duke3d (At least, that's what Magic told me) In total I had to change a LOT of instruments + melody + Snare-rolls, etc etc etc.... But all-in-all this tune kicks ass! :) Copyright by the original author I guess, but this mix is Copyright (C) 2000 by... BlackStar^Edge of Panic SHIFT-F9 4 Greets
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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