`Morbid dreamS ' (djisox-b.xm)
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`Morbid dreamS ' Made by : DjIsox(Refugee) _2002 to me fredrik Andersson Made in swe. Greet's to usuall! Kymx51c6.wav Kymx51c5.wav Fix.wav P600_l~3.wav
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The music here has been done pretty well, it seems that the song holds it's own pretty well. There are several differing sections which bring some variety into this piece, which is a good thing -- as it fits well. The samples used all have a retro (almost synth/demo) sound to them, and it's kind of interesting to hear them used in this style of tune (not all that uncommon; just interestind :). The music contains some good energy and the artist plays around briefly with a modulation which fits, but does prompt the listener to realize that the samples are being stretched to fit a wide variety of frequencies (ie they go pretty low for their sample rate). Overall, the music is good, and it shows a lot of energy and drive which is good for this type of song. Technically I'm seeing some pretty decent work. The samples used are all pretty good quality; the weakest I see are most of the drum samples (although the reverse cymbal is great). Also, whenever volume envelopes are used they are effective; panning envelopes (where present) could use more variance in the panning (not extreme, but more than is there -- there is only slight panning which isn't always discernable to the listener). Maybe it's a good thing that the artist doesn't pan everything, but I'd still like to hear some bigger pans than are present in the envelopes. The tracking is good, more than basic but not quite advanced. The effects are also pretty basic but are well placed and well executed. There seems to be the case of too many channels (ie some are not used often) and the artist does make use of them, but I feel that overall he could have gotten away with using fewer channels (however this is not a big gripe). Overall I'd say this is a well done piece of work which stands out musically as a good original tune. Good job :)