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The Cosmia-Land (cosmia.xm)

Info Summary

  • cosmia.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 528.71KB in size and has been downloaded 9957 times since Sat 17th Mar 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 39196
  • Downloads: 9957
  • Favourited: 4 times
  • MD5: b56aaa5d2dff574c0b8873b0d7eb949e
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 528.71KB
  • Genre: Alternative

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist This song is a kind of a tribute to some songs that I encountered when I got my first computer back in the mid '90. I tried to use same kind of aural surfaces without making the song dependent on them, I tried to create something unique and memorable. Please, don't mind the less essential things like playback rate. I tried not to annoy with large sound files, particularly when I made the oldest songs of mine. As capacity came relatively late for the typical users. The chorus starts with an effect that was applied also by the artist from whom it's sampling also came. I actually was to use a clearly different one than the artist, only with a same kind of tone... The result was closer to the original than it appeared when I was writing the part, a kind of coincidence caused by the fact that it's practically a simple fill. The good thing is that this one is brought well as an introduction to the other song, and that the chord fill on the whole doesn't play the main role in my song to avoid a falseness... Note that the part in question is more of a shadow of it's primal source than a direct citation. It wasn't my intention to throw catchy melodies here and there, isn't that the ordinary story. Not so new, not as artistic, the everyday one. Yeah the song does indeed become disorderly, and so does the whole existence of mine if setting the priority of things to be tracker song solutions instead of the appearance of the total kind. And also changing the samples might have meant too many new things to listen, this already being a whole new song to realize back then... And isn't that one certain synth melody sample a single note of possibly an accordion, a sound that was already known from the mouth organ and it's certain pre-forms? Also a harpsichord has a same kind of metallic tone, like an electric guitar sound... Tough to find out whose property the patent of the instrument's sound is if there even exists that kind of a single person at all. Let's hope that enjoys this track if is to listen it... And to mention, this is one of those songs that the player applet of these pages really brings some certain special features to. The original sounds more modest compared to that. - WandererOfDeis

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Fri 8th Jun 2001, rated 8 / 10.

Starts off with strings and small guitarmelodies, leads to drum fill-ins that introduces to the basic theme with good basslines, nice melodies, accomplished chords and also some well done drums. Nice breaks; calm parts which makes the listener more excited when the tune gets more agressive, but I really miss a real take-off to carry through a good idea of a song! At some parts the song gets disorderly, where things are overwelming, but luckily this feeling are minor after the great ending. Speaking of ending; it would have been better if you could keep some of the melodies floating with small volume to make the ambience complete at the ending, maybe also a delay-effect. But overally a real nice tune! The composer have done a great technical work, not many technical bugs are noticed and there surely are good musical interest inside the composers heart. Reminds me of the old demostylish tunes; synthetic with this subacid feeling to it. Samples could have been of way better quality, also I think the synthetic mel-sample could have been replaced. You have made a good song, although, Tuolo!

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Info Internal Texts *


composed by ....
     --    5:09 ---
 tuomo saloranta





you'll see ...
  I don't know what...

.maybe in the future




      composed by


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
