BuzzBall (buzzball.xm)
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BuzzBall by FunkyZipperDooHahBoy Wow! Three tracks in one month - two more than my previous personal best! This 1 is REALLY old. This was a tune that I made when I was working in MTM's and, as I made a lot of crappy tunes that never became more than one pattern, I'd call them NEW##.MTM and this is the famous "new29" - always sick but never released. Aren't you the lucky ones, ay? I guess this is pretty reprsentativ of most of my early stuff; funky and yet violent with lots of noises all very 8-bit. But I like it 'cause it's fun to listen to and it was fun 2 make. I'm so pedantic about punctuation that I'll use "2" instead of "to"just to fit a full stop in. Sorry; it's late. Hope you like it You can contact me at and you can vote for the song at Altered Perception (dotcom). As for samples, the 1s labelled ":me" are my own and I'd appreciate some credit if you use them. All the others R ripped but the song's so old I wouldn't have a clue where from.This track is _1999 Graham Lea. Peace, love and mung beans, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Funk-E Synth Synth HH(c) : me HH(o) : me BD SD : me Bass RapFX : me RapFX Boom : me Tom Ex.69 : me Agogo StaticFX Synth Click Tom+stick roll : me
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