Beast Wars Megamix (bwmix.mod)
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Hmmm.. This is an interesting track... It is mainly made up of samples taken from Beast Wars, and mixed together in a pseudo techno-rave style. As far as mixes go, this one's not too bad. There are times, though, when the music splits from center panning to left and right echo; which kind of confuses your ears a bit. Also, at the end of the track, the drums that come in are at first way too loud; but then they quiet off back to a reasonable level. I would suggest that if you like Beast Wars to get this track, because of some of the humerous samples in it. Musically (if the piece were to stand alone without the mix samples) there's not much holding this one together. OK.. In looking at the samples, I found all of.. one.. that does not come from Beast Wars. Could a cartoon be considered a commercial source of samples?? Well.. anyway, there is actually one sample which uses a loop point; and it has been picked without flaw. Aside from that, most.. well, of the tracking is extremely simplistic; there are no volume commands, no effects (save the propriatery panning) and... not much to this track folks. I'd only recommend it if you really like Beast Wars! Some ways to possibly improve this track might include more music (tracked music, not sampled from BW) to give it an interesting twist, more (and varried) percussion, and effects. Overall, this is just a sample of Beast Wars cartoons mixed into a file; while somewhat cool to cartoon buffs, not really interesting to the musicians.