Dream of Flying (dofly.xm)
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DREAM OF FLYING 11/7 2000 By Qumran This is my tribute to Terry Riley, the King of minimalistic music. Greets to everyone at TiS, Starchat. Special greet to dknation Tommy Trehune Mr-Yun Just listen to this and fly........ Peacecompo entry at TiS. qumran_home.se http://qumran.cjb.net Samples mostly from Maz-sound demopack and from samplenet. k n a r k anasyn.xi (4K) _Maz-sound String25.smp _? _Qumran sin_c.xi (0K) _Maz-sound Saw _? _Qumran Made inft2 sample Editor sin_c.xi (0K) _maz-sound Plucked Harp E3 Plucked Harp C4 Plucked Harp C5 Plucked Harp A5 Plucked Harp A6
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