Do you feel my tears (doyou.xm)
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*************** -CastleMilk 2001- Cavin Crew This tune is for my mum who is in hosptial and as i wait for her life to slip away this tune mum memories Life can be so strange when a world hurts so true. life can be strange when a loved one is fighting a battle that is not so new. for every where i go no matter how i feel standing by that hospital is this a dream or is this real for a mum who brought me up so right the tears i cry under this moon lite. and as i look to that moon in the sky i say prayers with tears in my eye's. and if mum dies before she wakes i pray the lord her soul to take and when she in heaven from a star up so high. i know mum will be watching us all as our time goes on by and if she dies this very day then lord this will be my end of days. love you mum with tears in my heart that rip my very soul love you mum with tears in my eyes looking to that moon as the angels dance on by,,love you mum ********************** june 4th 2001 **********************
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