The Tragic Prince (
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*THE TRAGIC PRINCE* By SHattY Sometimes I feel like Alucard. No point of my existance. Guess that's why my tracking days should come to an end. Its no use. Anyway, I'd like to thank all those who supported me for all these years. Nancy Trinh, for being maybe the only person to believe in me. Thanx a lot! Sharaz Batta, for encouraging me to go on and on at times when I was down. Suleman Ali Akbar, for showing that life is worth living. My bro and Uzair, who is like a second bro to me. Thanx a lot all you guys! My next song will be the last one. Can't go down without a BANG! I'll try my best to make it the best one. It will be dedicated to a very special person. Who could it be? If you like this song, please keep in mind that this is NOT my style. This song was made out of sheer frustration. finishing date & time: 19th July 1999, 11:33 PM ORIGINAL SONG: DRACULA X from Konami
*The Tragic Prince* -------------------------- By SHattY I'll be making my last song after this one. Tracking was a nice experience. All good things must come to an end y'know. The Tragic Prince -------------------------- By SHattY This isn't my style... My life's in the crapper, I guess this was the only way to release the frustration. Anyway, enjoy it. Some samples are ripped.
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