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CSS - Cyborg Jeff tik tik tik taaaa ------------------------------------ c1 I met her a friday night but i prefered waiting a peace of time I 've seen her she's got so pretty eyes since my heart let drum.....ooooh noisy tak tak all the time ref Ooh I never get such feeling I'm like the bottl'of pepsy shaking N Everybody 's around me dancing beating by my heart and tik tik tik tik taaa c2 I 've told her she's missing me she's reply she's hoped to see me back But for now it's not easy n she can't go here and listen this tak tak tak tak ref pont tik tik tik tak c3 Summer time will soon arrive n Perhaps she will be by my side and Several time i'd like to fly as i could let her listen to this tik tik tik taa ref pont
B1.WAV B2.WAV B3.WAV LPSFX.WAV LPBASS.WAV TOPSKRA.WAV BTSFX.WAV ZNSND.WAV B1.WAV B2.WAV B3.WAV like EAsT BEAT with my la.. et c'est pas tres bon pour moi en ce moment mais potable .... et il devait meme etre _FRIDAY.WAV _PREFER.WAV _EYES.WAV _HEART.WAV _AROUND.WAV _TITITA.WAV _MISSING.WAV _HOPE.WAV _EASY.WAV _GOHERE.WAV _PEPSY.WAV _AROUND2.WAV _TITITIT.WAV _SUMMER.WAV _PERHA.WAV _SEVERA.WAV _LETHER.WAV _FEELING.WAV _CHICHI.WAV _TAA.WAV sorry CJ not tres en =cREADREAM sOUND sTUDIO= PROUDLY PRESENTS PERHAPS 4 inscene 2k # aRT tIK tIK TIK TA # del C yb0rg J eff 25-05-2k written for Audrey samples from John B Illusion Omega 99 ------------------------- Yeah j'ai ecrit assez vites les paroles... ca m'est venu naturellement je les ai enregistre hier a 3h du mat et pour changer un peu le montage c'est fait a 1h 30 du mat je deviens un ptit zombie bref ceci est la version album un peu plus longue que l'instrumental franchement ce titre est trop genial c'est inspire de Bombfunk Mc's et Lou Bega je trouve enfin c'est les influence et puis je voulais faire un truc en pensant a dey. Salut a Aurelia et Amina qui sont passe enregistre cet aprem... ------------------------- Yououououhouhouhouh super mega long disk version espacially for multi channel entry at the INSCENE MILLENIUM Once again i'd like astonnished everybody with original innovation musics.... is there so realiable to put so much good voices in a disk mod.... is it.. i do it n i 'll do it again i promise you friends.. hope to be the best n hope oppenent will be difficult to beat i'll decaced this tune to Audrey and All my PPP TEAM members my brother Pype. Kriss Rafael Hugues Gino Franco Piek ... 27-05-2k revue
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