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The Good StuffSummary
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open your eyes look at the sky clouds are floating let the sun shine --------------------------------------- downtown life, that's not easy people die on corner streets she must sell a part of her if she wants to eat a piece of bread there's no rule in downtown life people from uptown prefer don't care why god had left them here she wants to fight for a piece of breath She hope one day, she's the one an uptown boy make her his wife caus there women can't give us a child all the nights she pray and she cry fat grey clouds have stop to rain there's a light perhaps the sunshine people from downtown scream to this flight This young boy show her, she's the one
ramone ramone #swimming furries# SOUND38.WAV SOUND36.WAV SOUND34.WAV SOUND32.WAV SOUND30.WAV SOUND28.WAV SOUND26.WAV SOUND24.WAV SOUND22.WAV SOUND20.WAV SOUND17.WAV SOUND15.WAV SOUND012.WAV SOUND010.WAV SOUND008.WAV cyb0rg jeff [P.Martin] vocal sfx from the the guitars pype et tes musiques me ca faisait super longtemps que l'on avait it's the same theme... SOUND3.WAV SOUND4.WAV ========================= creadream label ========================= proudly presents a new track from cyb0rg jeff #let the sunshine# _________________________ tnx for samples Gdream from N-Zone my Yamaha DJX n RolandE68 some Maf sfx .... this track was written for jessica thirion and also to Gdream n K93 yep return to my firstage dance music.... caus i've decided to prepare a new dance album with help of K93 for style,gfx and i hope also tracks... gasp,,, i'd like to make a video clip with him [animation movie] well let's work. really tnx gdream u'll see i often use ur really good smps toni new one. But i also use personnal smps sure' ......................... now let works on vocal. ------------------------- copyright creadream 2002 27-11-2002 -------------------------
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Artist's Comments
best vocal dance track from cyborgjeff - cyborg jeff