Give me the night (
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Creative Sound Studio is realy proud to present "Give Me The night" need music: realised by Cyborg JEff on january 97. this version is compatibl it's made in 6 track Lord (Culture Beat) with Impulse Tracker ending with Scream Tracke and the Final version Creative Sound Studio is realy proud to present "Give Me The night" #Vocal Doudou mix 1# realised by Cyborg JEff on january 97. n remixed in may 97 Hellooooooo TO Tbob Doudou Ced Jedd TEXT TXET Why don't u give me a nig Please let me try Give me the night Give me the night Give me the night My baby don't let me cry My baby don't let me cry N u see the love is never N u see the love is never ------------------------- SELECTION PCFUN 97*8 Auteur:Pierre Martin Remixe:Pierre Martin Type:IT Style:Dance Date:mai 97 ------------------------- -------------------------
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Artist's Comments
Cyborg Jeff (Martin) Impulse Tracker II – Pentium 120 – IT
Ah ben ça ! Je découvre avec étonnement aujourd’hui que ce titre Dance pourtant réussi n’a jamais eu droit à une présence sur un de mes albums ! Si l’on pouvait retrouver la première version instrumentale, limitée à 6 pistes sur l’album Divagation, les versions chantées resteront oubliées sur mon disque dur… Pourtant musicalement Give me the night était vraiment réussi, dans un style “Culture Beat” euro-dance certain. Le texte ajouté est basique, mais efficace et son interprétation plutôt correct avec les moyens du bord. Le lendemain, je m’attaquais d’ailleurs à cette DV-DJ version, plus “moderne” et composée autour des sons samplés des CD Single du groupe Double Vision.
Gimmick : Why don’t you give me the night ?
Please let me try…
Refrain : Give me the night, my baby please let me try
Give me the night and you’ll see the love will never die
Well, i was realy astonnished that this Dance Creation will never been released in one of my albums ! If you could find the instrumental version in the album Divagation, those both sung version were forgotten in my hard drive… Musicaly the original Give me the night was great, with a Culture Beat like euro-dance mood. The added lyrics were basic but they worked with a correct interpretation for that time. The next day, i wrote thay DV-DJ remix version that sounded more modern, using some sounds sampled from the CD Single of Double Vision. - cyborg jeff