The E-Keet Theme Song (EK-THEME.S3M)
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The E-Keet Theme Song TotalChorus Lo TotalChorus Hi TotalString TotalPiano Hi TotalBass TotalPiano Lo TotalHorn Here it is... a celebration of how much I've learned since... forever. I thank everyone who's ever taken the time to know me. Such friends are priceless, and without friends we are lost. This is humanity... I apologize for the use of others' samples, but I have no resources to create my own. When I do, I won't keep them to myself. Promise. Electric Keet a.k.a. Jason Tracer http://www-personal.umich. edu/~tracerj/j-music.htm "And suddenly, human was more than a species..." -- "Roo"
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A very mellow piano tune that has been well written. A delicate blend of choir, horns and piano produces a very harmonic, peaceful sound. An excellent piece of composition...well worth the download! Nothing to technical going onbut thats what you would normally expect from a piano track. All the samples are of high quality and work extremely well together, and are looped precisely.