The Bottle (
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jaddah jaddah Greets and beeps to all in this disk project. We've put together some seriously arsekicking music here. Funk goes out to: balisticZaigamorRedIEuphyScottErrorZenduluTeapotVertigo -for being DiSC PopFaktorRampageInhousedTolDJKikeThorquilMia -for once being DiSC Shimmer -for love, sympathy and Pepsi BorisSteveGPleonistChrisandtheClonesKimwOOdMrBla -for still hanging out in the really funky spot FurubjelkeMoshiriHjalmersGrekKarlssonTiruNielsenIvarssonEkstromSternerPekse AsfaltSolbladGranGran and whatever your names was now again -for a cool year You -for worshipping me and my music ;) (c)Ming 1998
The Bottle by Ming of DiSC made in June 1998 email me: strala ming * strala strala sample credits carebear carebear carebear pleonist /mah ? pleonist ? pop faktor * ripped from audio cd ------------------------- Play this in IT 2.14 only, or some volume settings might get screwed up. ------------------------- Play this really loud. ------------------------- Yank F4 for title and such stuff. Yank Shift+F9 for commments, greetings and such bull. ------------------------- Have a nice day. ------------------------- Sorry bout the incomplete sample credits. Not many samples mine. Guess I'm just lazy. -------------------------
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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