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Love Unreal & Everlasting (e-u_luef.it)

Info Summary

  • e-u_luef.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 757.29KB in size and has been downloaded 1729 times since Sun 15th Jun 2003 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 40613
  • Downloads: 1729
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 45d1bcfb4a74e2752623ca99206c30e8
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 33
  • Uncompressed Size: 757.29KB
  • Genre: Electronic - House

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Inspiration from Kylie Minogue - Love At First Sight and MaFs - Dream

Sample 1 sampled by me from Kylie Minogue - Love At First Sight
Sample 2 from Imposter by Anubis
Sample 3 from Analogic Talebearer by Acumen
Samples 4,5,6,7,8&10 from Dream by MaFs
Sample 9 from planetgroove by Ramon
Instrument 14 and its associated samples from The Clockwork Melon by
Sample 21 from unknown source
Sample 22 from Chemical Trip by Mad Sub
Sample 23 from Nimbus by Per Westerburg
Sample 24 from A Planet Behind Us by OldBrian
Sample 25 from Dream Trance by minomus
Sample 26 from Children Remix by Arty

This remix has been equipped with extra homosexuality (as in, it is
supposed to be a bit like the kind of techno gay people boogie to). In
order to experience this track as the creator intended, listen to it at
about 2am and imagine that you're in a gay disco club, surrounded by pairs
of young homosexual men with their rippling gymnasium bodies rubbing
against one another in a sea of passion and joy......or then again, maybe
the intended experience is a little too much for some people; imagine
lesbians instead =) (as long as the homosexual passion is there, you're in
the zone =)

RIIIIIGHT.........(eszt-udiaa has problems, yes we know =)

If you knew what the OTHER secret plans were, then you might know why I've
created a track with such an intended feel. Find out:


love at first sight
sine bass
bass drum
hihat medium
hihat short
hihat loop
blurry choir
hihat long



reverse cymbal
hihat ride

eszt-udiaa presents

It's been a while since
I've put anything new on,
so I thought it might be
high time to put out this
little ditty I'd had
gathering dust on my hard
drive while I waited for
the enigmatic Tershia to
come over and contribute
her vocal talents. But
alas, I could wait for
her no longer, just like
I couldn't wait for
Branka =) But don't fret,
the edits of both this
track and Aqua will
arrive sometime soon.
Until then, enjoy this
remix of Kylie Minogue's
disco classic, Love At
First Sight.

As the title may suggest,
this track is in two
parts. The first part,
Love Unreal, is an
extended remix of Love At
First Sight. It gets the
love started, if you
know what I mean. The
second part, Love
Everlasting, is an
additional extension to
this remix. It celebrates
the love, and seals it so
it can never be broken.
This may sound in
contrast with what you
read when you press
Shift-F9, but it is
simply two different
sides of the same thing.
Well, anyway, I'm sure
you'll be very confused
after reading all of
these comments, so my
advice to you would be
Just enjoy the track =)

               (E-U) 2003

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